So on the topic of how badly I want to save the world, read these:
this is going on entirely under the radar of most of the general public
is beyond me. Why we only caught onto the revolutions last year once
they hit Egypt is beyond me. This world is so much bigger than the petty
scandals we spend so much time obsessing over. Sudan is in the middle
of a student revolution and we are worried about the Kardashians and Tom
Cruise's divorce. I do believe this is a WTF moment, ladies and gents,
WTF. Educate yourselves.
Here on this side of the planet, I
confess myself a little flustered. I realize I get uppity about money
and hypocrisy quite often when I really should take a step back and
breathe, I am sorry about that. You didn't get on my blog to read self
righteous ramblings of sinner. I would like to point out that I am
flawed and not even remotely close to pulling myself together except by
the grace of God for mere seconds... milliseconds.
Now that I've apologized for getting uppity, I'd like to do so!
Well, kind of. This is going to be a rather long train of thought. It
starts with Chick-Fil-A (although it starts numerous places, that is
just the place it starts today). Chick-Fil-A has recently become enemy
number one, or at least in the top ten, to the homosexual population.
Why? Because they support fundamental Christian marriage... I'm
confused. Chick-Fil-A has been a fundamentalist Christian company for 66
years, why is it any surprise they support fundamental Christian
marriage? They did not come out and say that they hate the gays or
anything even close to that, just that they believe in marriage between a
man and woman. The next complaint against the company is that over 2
million dollars of their charitable givings have gone to "anti-gay
groups," but I have a problem with that as well. They didn't donate the
money to the charities because they are "anti-gay," nor did they just
start donating to these charities as the "gay issue" has come about,
they donate to other fundamentalist Christian groups... again, why is
this surprising?
Before you jump all over me about gay marriage and rights - I do
not agree with Chick-Fil-A's stance on homosexual right to marriage.
Firstly, marriage in the United States is of the government and not of
the Church, so we really should have no say. It is a bunch of rights,
tax breaks, and just a general commitment to another person that is
recognized by our country's government - so whether or not you believe
it is wrong or right as a Christian, it is equality under the
government. Secondly, I struggle to accept that a loving monogamous
homosexual relationship is a sin - but we can have that debate all day
and all night, so I'm going to leave that one alone for now. My point is: Chick-Fil-A is entitled to their opinion. Hating them because of their opinions makes you the bigot, not them.
What this comes down to is equality. If you want the right to
express your opinion about homosexuality, then you must grant others the
same privilege. Period. Whether you agree or not is not the point.
There are very few things in life that I believe are truly black and
white: Freedom and Equality are two of them. You are either free or not
free, equal or unequal, but you can't be partially free or partially
equal. I have the same issue with modern day feminism - do I believe
women are equal to men, absolutely. Do I believe women are better than
men, no. That's not feminism, that's sexism. Going to see Magic Mike
because you want to drool over shirtless men when the second a man goes
to a film to drool over a woman it is objectifying her? Spare me. We
attempt to make up for inequality by parading our new equality about -
but that isn't the same as being equal: BET, Pride, Universities
accepting lower scoring individuals because of their ethnicity... just a
few examples of "equality" gone over the top.
about being black? Good for you. Love being gay? Awesome. Rocking your
culture as a minority? Sweet. Adore being a female? Wicked cool. Keep
that pride in who you are, but recognize it doesn't make you anything more than
the person next to you. I love African Americans - I also love Africans
(they take issue with being grouped together), but I also love Asians,
Arabs, Europeans, Latin Americans, and Caucasians. I love the
homosexuals and heterosexuals equally! Having a different culture and
ethnicity is really cool, whether American or Tongan or Cambodian.
Ladies are baller, so are the gentlemen. For me it's just frustrating to
see everyone become so polarized about this stuff. You don't have to
like someone's opinion, you don't have to agree, but they are just
entitled to theirs as you are to yours. You don't even have to agree
with me about any of this! It's just the ridiculously long train of
thought I come back to time and time again. This morning it started with
Chick-Fil-A, tomorrow it will start with something else.
That's all for now, feel free to feed back!
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