18 April 2014

Day Dreamy Home

I am in love (see: obsessed) with the whole tiny homes movement. It's partially because we live in one, but also because I am just fascinated by such a counter-cultural phenomenon taking up in America. The "bigger is better" concept still has hold on the US, but there is a tiny revolution of sustainability that I am so excited about!

I often wish we could build our own tiny house, designed with our little family in mind, but odds are that won't occur for some time. I do day dream that the layout of our 550sqft was a little different, but that is kind of a pipe dream. But in our ity little house, there are several things that I constantly wish we had.

3. A washer and dryer - not having laundry on site makes for long days and large loads, especially with a toddler. I wouldn't mind drying clothes on a rack either, so perhaps just a washer? There are so many great eco-friendly and tiny options available these days, I found this one just the other day. I'm not sure about the rest of the house design, but I do like this washer/dryer combo.
Washer and dryer
Panda also makes a pretty cute tiny two-in-one combination, but I haven't seen it used in any of the tiny home models I've looked at. The reviews seem decent though...

2. A dish washer - if for no other reason than a place to hide the dishes. So maybe just a bigger sink? I am just not disciplined enough to do the dishes every time I use one. The shame.
Tiny Kitchen. I think taking a couple of our small cupboard doors off would make the room feel larger
Just look at that pretty little kitchen! I must be honest, I probably spend the least amount of time scrolling through dishwashers, but I definitely crave having one more often than a washer/dryer.

1. A bathtub - and no, not for Rory. For me. I love a good long bath. There is nothing more relaxing or wonderful than a long bath after a long day. Especially after having a baby. And I guess it would be good for kiddos too... but mostly for me.
old galvanized bathtub
Beautiful. Just beautiful. I'm thinking something old and lovely, with a holder like the one above, but made by my husband so as to be $60 or so cheaper. :)

There is so much to tell you about in my dream space. But I'll save that for another day... Or you can just stalk my obsession on Pinterest. That's always a thing.

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