20 April 2014

For Long Walks With No Destination

Sometimes I get very busy with what I am doing.

I get so busy that I forget that my sweet little has the love-language of quality time and his own checklist. Where as mine might include dishes, tidying, and planting my new plants; His includes pirate ships, tickle fights, and a long walk with no destination.

If I am being honest, I often forget his to-do list. I feel like mine is full of must-happen-now! things and his is just there to accomplish afterwards, if we have time. But that's not really the case, is it?
If I refuse to prioritize Rory's list, what does that teach him about his self-worth and how to treat others? Nothing. I teach him nothing.

There's a balance to it, like with all things. Sometimes, mommy's things have to come first, like going to get groceries so the husband and baby won't starve. But other times, a lot of time, mommy lists can probably wait for pirate ships, ticklefights, and long walks with no destinations.

Because, let's get real, how long will he want me involved in his to-do list?
(Forever, obviously, but just in case he doesn't because he gets hit on the head by a meteorite or something...)

There needs to be some semblance of equality stressed. Rory's desires are just as important as my own. Neither one of us gets to just always do the things we want. That isn't how life works - at least, not a healthy one. I cried about this earlier this week - like a ninny - it was stressing me out to no end. I had my agenda and Rory wasn't working with it, Rory had his agenda and I wasn't working with it, and Mark was left confused as to why we were so frustrated with one another.

Balance. It's good for the soul. So this weekend? We are doing a mixture of Mommy ordained must-happens and Rory commanded if-we-feel-likes. And Mark is being very generous with us. Because he is the best husband I have. ;)

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