24 April 2014

Jumping On The Bed

I remember sheet changing day to be the best day when I was younger. There is just something so appealing about a naked bed. It is so excellent for jumping and rolling around on. It is somehow significantly better than when there are sheets.

Rory has noticed it too.

There is some kind of magic about jumping on the bed. Especially a naked bed. And lately? I have needed that magic. I have been tired, so tired. And tired with a toddler is unlike any other kind. But just because you're exhausted? Doesn't mean life stops, does it? I have been overly needy of Mark, overly exhausted with Rory, and overly critical of myself this week. Magic of any kind is greatly needed.

So this week, I irresponsibly jumped on my bed with my son.

There are times when we just fail. Not in a big, Youtube video worthy way, just in little things. Like demanding my husband read my needy little mind, or getting cross with my sleepy teething 20 month old, or being self-critical of myself, my home, and my time management (or lack thereof). And when we fail? We need to just accept that we have failed and move forward. There is no starting over. Not really. There is only the realization that we have messed up and trying to do better next time.

Failure is a part of life. But it doesn't need to define life. When we ask forgiveness for our short-comings and move forward, a failure becomes just another experience. A teaching moment. Lord knows I have had a lot of a teaching moments, but as long as I learn from them? I think it will be alright. At least, I think that today. Remind me tomorrow.

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