01 February 2011

You Mustn't Be Afraid To Dream A Little Bigger, Darling

I was a little girl...

To have all the answers, would be a magnificent feat. But I think we seek it too often without wondering, perhaps, if we have all the questions.

Alone in my little world...

I am afraid of being looked up to. There is no greater power than that of influence and I am terrified of that power. As a teenager, I didn't think twice about it. I didn't realize the sway of my opinion, the consequences of my actions that had nothing to do with me. I couldn't see past myself. Now that I can? I am fearful of this power that resounds in me. It echos in the deepest parts of me and I want very much to shut it off. I want to change the world, but I am afraid to do so. I am afraid of the possibility of success and what that might mean for me. I am afraid that I might change the world in the wrong way, that I might use my influence poorly and hurt those around me. Those who I don't even realize I affect. Forgiveness removes guilt, not consequences. You live with those for the rest of your life

Who dreamed of a little home for me...

There are times I think intellect is the greatest fault of mankind. The more you know, the more you crave to know. But the more you know, the more responsible you become for that which you know. It's never ending. With every further ounce of knowledge gained, you lose the ability to sit idly by. Foolishness is knowing yet not doing, Wisdom is knowing and doing. Only those of intelligence can be fools. Are we foolish? In this time where information is an ongoing slur about the world, are we foolishly not doing what we already know to be true?

I played pretend between the trees...

You can hear words all your life, but until you take them onto yourself and give them meaning? You will not understand. There is so much left to learn, but if we haven't taken that which we have already been told upon ourselves, will we ever really know more? Sometimes I feel as if there is more than I could ever comprehend going on in my mind. An overload of information and use of that. I look beyond myself to try to apply that knowledge. And perhaps someday I'll acquire the wisdom I seek.

And fed my houseguests bark and leaves...

Dust of stars, where have you wandered? You have forgotten your first love, forgotten you true self. Come back to the start. This path is in place not to shelter you, nor even to protect you, but in case you desire to follow. It is not commanded of you, is not regulated, you must chose. What comes next, is nothing anyone can tell you of or convince you. You must discover for yourself what lies beyond, if anything at all. Creation dear, what have you done? You have forgotten yourself in your action, whether it is through pride or regret. And if you have forgotten yourself in it, are they not the same? There is nothing worth holding onto. That which is, already has hold of you, so worry not. There is nothing too great, nothing too terrible that cannot be overcome by Love. And real Love is tangible for all who chose to accept it, is it not? But you must feel it for yourself.

And laughed in my pretty bed of green...

Oh to know.

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